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I have never been a fan of reading, let alone writing poetry. When this assignment was announced it did not capture my interest in anyway. However, once I began writing, I did not want to stop. Poetry is something I would not ever freely do if not not assigned. Looking back on these poems I created, my mind has somewhat changed.


Elizabeth Eckford

Hatred pours from the mouths of those hollering at me.

I record my steps taken from the car, in case I must make a dash for it.

They glance and loathe at the color of my skin.

I am not here for them, I am here to learn.

They are here for me, but I will not falter.

I deserve this, it is my given right.

The unfamiliar building locks in sight.

These first steps inside will reshape history.

Worry begins to seep in.

I decide to walk in.



H- hurts to believe nothing lasts forever.

E- everything and everyone has an endpoint.

A- after all the hugs and laughs you’re left with despair.

R- remember to always love Yourself first.

T- time goes on and nothing is ever the same once your HEART is involved.


Life Granted

The prick of a needle on my finger

no longer brings me agony.


Life is extra cautious ever since I

became a closer target to death.


Food no longer taste the same.


This body of mine is no longer in



Twenty-four seven this miniature pocketed device shoots me up with the greatest

Tool I have to live.


Struggles are real keeping tabs on glucose monitorings.


Low sugars are


like an out of body experience.


High sugars are


Parched mouth accompanied by waves of nausea.


I have come to accept this life

rather than deny it.


Diabetes changed me.